Do you know when to have your residential or business roof examined? Read on to learn more and when it’s timeor call Acord Roofing, your experienced and trusted roof inspection company Kansas City area.

Call Acord Roofing for All Your Roofing Needs


Roof Inspection Company Kansas City

A roof protects a building from the elements as well as animals. It’s an important part of the structure and requires routine replacement after years of wear and tear. If a temporary fix doesn’t help lengthen the lifespan of a roof, it may be time to hire a roof inspection company to come out to examine and replace it. Doing so protects your Kansas City home or business from rain, sleet, wind, snow, sunlight, and animals.

Here are five signs it’s time for a new roof:

Roof is Over 20 Years Old

Some insurance companies will not insure a roof if it is over a certain age. Homes or businesses with a roof that is over 20 years old often seek an upgrade for this reason. It also helps by adding to the overall appearance of the structure especially if other upgrades have been done on the home or business. A new roof adds value to a property because it typically isn’t a small expense to pay for.

Shingles are Curling and Buckling

The shingles are no longer holding up to the job when they start to curl or buckle. It’s time to consider replacing the roof because it could very well be deteriorating faster than you imagined. Routinely have a roof inspection company come out and check the roof to make sure that it isn’t going to fall in on you, your family or employees.

There are Many Shingles Missing

Like faulty shingles, missing shingles can be signs of a bigger problem. The roof, itself, may no longer be good. Rather than put a bandage on a gaping wound, it’s better to remedy the problem at its source by replacing it entirely.

Granules Keep Finding Their Way Into Your Gutters

When shingles start to lose their granules, it’s a sign that they’ve reached the last stages of use. If you see discoloration on different areas of the roof, it could be due to the granules wearing away and the elements having their way with what is left of the shingles.

You See the Sun Peeking Through the Boards on the Roof

When shingles have become spongy, this phenomenon happens. You’ll start to see the sunlight through the roof boards. That means that there is enough damage to the rough to cause concern. Soon, you’ll start to feel the rain, sleet, and snow piling on the roof, too. It will start to leak inside the home or office building.

Kansas City residents who own homes and businesses now know when to call a roof inspection company to have a roof examined and  get an estimate for repair or replacement. Knowing what to look for in the way of damage allows you to prevent a problem from worsening due to neglect. The roof is among the most important structural features of the home. It protects you, your family, your employees, and the contents of your house or office building from damage. It only makes sense to invest in a new roof when the old one shows signs of deterioration.

Call Acord Roofing for All Your Roofing Needs